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Services not available in all states, including New Jersey.
Where applicable, B.A.A.G will refer you to a highly qualified service provider who can provide debt relief services you need.
B.A.A.G does not discriminate on any level including on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, marital status, sexual orientation, national origin or ancestry.
* Clients who are able to remain with the program and resolve all their debt realize approximate savings of 55% before fees, or 30% including our fees, in 24 to 48 months. All claims above are based on enrolled debts. Not all debts are eligible for enrollment. Not all clients complete our program for various reasons, including their ability to save sufficient funds. All estimates are based on prior results, which will vary based on specific circumstances. We do not guarantee that your debts will be lowered by a specific amount or percentage or that you will be debt-free within a specific period of time. We do not assume consumer debt, make monthly payments to creditors or provide tax, bankruptcy, accounting or legal advice or credit repair services. Not available in all states. Please contact a tax professional to discuss tax consequences of debt forgiveness. Please consult with a bankruptcy attorney for more information on bankruptcy. Not all creditors will negotiate debt resolution with third parties and some creditors will only negotiate under certain circumstances, such as a charge-off. You may be subject to collection activity or lawsuits by creditors or collectors if you are not making regular monthly payments.